Data Protection Services
We regularly undertake an analysis of an organisation’s current situation against an appropriate benchmark to assess its current status.
This allows us to develop a sustainable and pragmatic programme to close any gaps identified. These include:
Data Protection Board Support
We assist boards with their GDPR compliance - coordination of confirmations from the fund’s service providers and data processors, assessment of incidence reports, regulatory updates and horizon scanning.
ICT Security Solutions
We assist boards, audit committees and senior management teams to assess their organisation's security posture for computerised data against a chosen standard.
Data Protection Audits
Our team regularly assist boards, board audit committees and senior management teams to assess their organisation's compliance with data protection legislation.
Gap Analysis
We undertake an analysis of an organisation's current situation against an appropriate benchmark to assess its current status.
Data Protection Impact Assessments
A key principle with the GDPR is data protection by design and by default – integrating privacy enhancing measures and technologies into projects from the very beginning of the project lifecycle.
GRPR Compliance Training
It is important that you and your staff understand your organisation’s obligations under Data Protection legislation. We provide such training, customised to reflect your structure and regulatory environment.
GDPR DPO Outsourcing
We have designed an annual subscription service that is tailored to a client’s specific needs for these services.
EU Representative
Under GDPR, where a data controller or processor is not established in EU, they may be obliged, depending on the type of processing activities undertaken and frequency thereof, to designate a representative within the EU to liaise with supervisory authorities and data subjects.
UK Representative
Under UK GDPR, where a data controller or processor is not established in the UK, they may be obliged, depending on the type of processing activities undertaken and frequency thereof, to designate a representative within the UK to liaise with the ICO and UK data subjects.