M&A regulatory due diligence
We support firms on both the buy and sell sides in M&A processes relating to target companies operating in the global financial services sector.
Our role is to ensure that regulatory and compliance risks are appropriately identified, understood and where applicable, mitigated through our M&A regulatory due diligence services. Our international team of regulatory experts can provide opinions on the design and operational effectiveness of the target’s internal infrastructure to manage regulatory risk and provide analysis on the potential regulatory impacts on revenue or capital expenditure relating to the transaction.
Comprehensive due diligence reports
Our due diligence reports educate the reader to the regulatory environment of the target, provide benchmarking against industry practice and peers and are relied on by parties providing finance to the transaction.
Our market insight on the regulatory environment is unique due to our depth and breadth in the sector and our working relationships with international regulatory bodies in the UK, Europe, the US, the Middle East and APAC.
Why choose Waystone
When clients choose Waystone, they benefit from expert regulatory risk management, comprehensive due diligence, and unique market insights, supported by strong relationships with international regulatory bodies. If you would like to discuss your requirements further and learn how we can help your firm, please get in touch with our UK compliance advisory team using the contact form here.